Ascension Episcopal Parish in Portland, Oregon

We welcome worshipers of all ages who are seeking Christ through traditional worship in an intimate, beautiful setting.

We are a historic church in Portland’s West Hills.  We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon and the Episcopal Church of the USA, a self-governing branch of the Anglican Communion

We have an unstaffed Nursery available for families.

Who We Are


Our Liturgy is Rite I (traditional language and forms) from the Book of Common Prayer

We offer two services every Sunday: a Rite I Mass with Hymns at 10 A.M., with traditional Anglican music, and a Said Mass at 8 A.M.


Parishioners of all ages find a welcoming home at Ascension. Our small size allows us to get to know each well and enjoy the family feel of our small community and our worship services. Events throughout the year, including our Harvest Dinner, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Easter Brunch, and Summer Hootenanny are beloved traditions in our families.


Our beautiful chapel regularly hosts special events ranging from lectures to recitals to our Salon Series of concerts. Please see our Calendar Page for more information.


There are many ways in which you can help support the work of Ascension Parish, from making an annual pledge or one-time offering to donating to our music program, flowers for Sunday services or our Episcopal Relief and Development goat project that supports families in Africa. The link below will allow you to contribute via debit or credit card to a menu of offerings.

If you would like to make a pledge, please email John Holtz stating the amount and the frequency that you wish to pledge. If you would like to set up your pledge online, you can make a one-time offering or schedule recurring payments. Your checks will miss you!


March 4, 5-7 P.M.: Join us for pancakes, bacon and eggs served by the men of Ascension.

Ash Wednesday and Holy Week service Schedule

Ash Wednesday: March 5, 12 P.M

Palm Sunday: April 13, 8 A.M. and 10 A.M.

Maundy Thursday: April 17, 7 P.M. 

Good Friday: April 18, 12 P.M. and 7 P.M.

Easter: April 20, 8 A.M. and 10 A.M