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A concert of French carols for Advent and Christmas. The program includes Michel Corrette’s charming Baroque mass for sopranos and organ on traditional French carol melodies. This free concert will be livestreamed from Ascension Episcopal Parish on our website, as well as on Facebook.
Due to COVID social distancing guidelines, a limited number of seats are available for a live audience at this concert. To attend in-person, please RSVP to!
Charlotte Engler, soprano
Emma Mildred Riggle, soprano
Hannah Brewer, organ
GABRIEL FAURÉ (1845-1924)
Il est né, le divin enfant
Noël des enfants
TRADITIONAL FRENCH CAROLS newly arranged for sopranos and organ by Emma Riggle
NOËLS d’ORGUE by Jean-Jacques Beauvarlet-Charpentier and others
Messe pour le tems de Noël
Tips are gratefully accepted, and will be shared between the performers.
Venmo: @EmmaMRiggle