Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols with Eucharist
All are welcome to Ascension’s Christmas Eve Service, a family-friendly Festival of Lessons and Carols followed by the Eucharist and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight.
Events at Ascension
All are welcome to Ascension’s Christmas Eve Service, a family-friendly Festival of Lessons and Carols followed by the Eucharist and the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight.
Please join us for our Summer Barbecue on the patio. All are welcome. Bring a dish or drink to share.
Please join us for our annual harvest dinner in Reinhart Hall. Sign up in the parlor to bring a main dish, salad/side, dessert or drinks. Or email Kris at communications@ascensionepiscopalparish.org
Click Here to Watch on Facebook
A concert of French carols for Advent and Christmas. The program includes Michel Corrette’s charming Baroque mass for sopranos and organ on traditional French carol melodies. This free concert will be livestreamed from Ascension Episcopal Parish on our website, as well as on Facebook.
Due to COVID social distancing guidelines, a limited number of seats are available for a live audience at this concert. To attend in-person, please RSVP to music@ascensionepiscopalparish.org!
Charlotte Engler, soprano
Emma Mildred Riggle, soprano
Hannah Brewer, organ
GABRIEL FAURÉ (1845-1924)
Il est né, le divin enfant
Noël des enfants
TRADITIONAL FRENCH CAROLS newly arranged for sopranos and organ by Emma Riggle
NOËLS d’ORGUE by Jean-Jacques Beauvarlet-Charpentier and others
Messe pour le tems de Noël
Tips are gratefully accepted, and will be shared between the performers.
Venmo: @EmmaMRiggle
PayPal: https://paypal.me/EmmaRiggle
On January 26 we will meet for a special combined Said Mass with Hymns at 9:00 A.M. We will also attend to the business of our Parish at our Annual Meeting. Please be sure to attend this important gathering!
Join us for our annual Harvest Dinner, where we gather as a Parish family to share a meal and give thanks for God’s blessings in our lives! The main course will be provided and if you would like to bring a side dish, sign-up sheets are available in the Common Room.
Please join us for the latest installment in our ongoing series of talks by Ascension parishioners. In this talk, Beth Woods, a guest of Bob Howard, is our speaker.
Beth Wood is an award-winning poet and singer-songwriter who has toured the country playing music and delighting audiences for over twenty years. While performing, writing, creating, and collaborating non-stop, Beth has released eleven independent albums, two books of poetry, and one book of silly essays about ridiculous merch table conversations. Beth formed the duo Stand and Sway with Ara Lee James, and their stunning debut album Deep Blue is forthcoming in October, 2019. Joy is the currency that runs through Beth’s work through story and song, and her sensitive, intuitive nature allows her to address sorrow in a way that resonates and moves audiences and readers. Beth’s work has expanded to include teaching and song coaching as well as leading workshops at festivals, songwriting retreats and beyond. Beth believes that engagement in the process of creation is as important as its outcome, and that there are no wrong notes. Beth is a winner of the prestigious Kerrville Folk Festival New Folk Award, and her poetry book Ladder to the Light was a finalist for the 2019 Oregon Book Awards Stafford/Hall Award for Poetry and is the winner of the 2019 Oregon Book Award Peoples’ Choice Award. Learn more about her at her website, https://www.bethwoodmusic.com/
The talk will take place in Reinhart Hall between the 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. Masses, and refreshments will be provided.
Please come join us for our annual neighborhood barbecue on our garden patio!
During our 10am Mass on May 12, we’ll pause before the close of worship to offer a special prayer and blessing over our graduates, and to give thanks for their place in our Parish and for their accomplishments. Please come celebrate with us!
A guest artist concert at Ascension in honor of Women’s History Month.
Join us on March 5 for an Episcopal Mardi Gras tradition - a Pancake Dinner served up by the gentlemen of Ascension Parish in Reinhart Hall!
On January 27, we will meet for a special combined Said Mass with Hymns at 9:00 A.M. We will also attend to the business of our Parish at our Annual Meeting. Please be sure to attend this important gathering!
A family-friendly early Christmas Eve service in which our Parish children participate.
Join us as we work together to decorate our Chapel for Christmas using fresh greenery!
Please bring along greenery cuttings like pine, cedar, holly and mistletoe, or just bring yourself to help us deck the halls of our Chapel!
The Greening will begin after the 10:00 A.M. Mass for Advent IV.
Join us for our annual Harvest Dinner, where we gather as a Parish family to share a meal and give thanks for God’s blessings in our lives!
Join us for our fifth annual Summer Barbecue and Hootenanny! This fellowship event is open to the community. There will be grilled delights, singing, dancing and games for the whole family!
In our continuing series of talks by parishioners at Ascension, our Minister of Music Emma Riggle joins us to share some of her work in musicology. The presentation will take us through musical depictions of Christ's resurrection throughout history.
A light reception will follow the talk.
On Palm Sunday, we will worship together in one combined Mass at 9:00 A.M., beginning with the Liturgy of the Palms in our Parlor, and a procession into the sanctuary. Soloists from the Ascension Choir will offer anthems during worship. Join us for this special time of worship as a parish family!
A cozy evening of piano music in our Parlor.
Ascension Parish's Annual Meeting will take place at 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, February 4. We will meet for worship at this time as well as attend to the care of our parish. There will be no separate 8:00 A.M. or 10:00 A.M. masses on February 4.
A family-friendly early Christmas Eve service in which our Parish children participate.
A relaxing afternoon concert of Christmas favorites by parishioners Eddie and Marion Edens.
Join us as the Rt. Rev. Michael Hanley, Bishop of the Diocese of Portland, joins us for worship at Ascension Parish.
A said Mass with hymns for Thanksgiving Day. Join us as we give thanks to God as a parish family!
At our annual Harvest Dinner, we come together to share a meal and give thanks for all the Lord has done for us during the year.
Join us for our annual parish barbecue and hootenanny! There will be a potluck picnic, music, sing a longs, and lots of family-friendly fun.
Parishioners, you and your friends and family are invited to a special Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner on the evening of February 28! Come join us as we spend an evening together on the last evening before Lent and enjoy a dinner of pancakes in Reinhart Hall, prepared by the men of Ascension Parish.