
Filtering by: Worship

Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols with Eucharist
7:00 PM19:00

Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols with Eucharist

A joyful choral service in celebration of the Nativity, with music my Ralph Vaughan Williams, David Willcocks, and more.

The service will also feature an anthem by English composer Jane Savage (1752/1753-1824), one of the first women to compose music for Anglican services. The choir will sing her ”Hymn for Christmas Day,” which tells the story of the angels’ annunciation to the shepherds in music for choir, organ, and soloists.

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Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
10:00 AM10:00

Advent Service of Lessons and Carols

A meditative service of readings, hymns, and carols for Adventtide.

Music by Stephen Cleobury, Jeanne Demessieux, Gracia Baptista, and more.

The service will also feature an anthem by English composer Theophania Cecil (1782-1879), one of the first women to compose music for Anglican services. The choir will sing her anthem “Brightness of Thy Father’s Glory” in an edition newly edited by our Minister of Music.

Join us for a reception following the service.

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Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols
4:30 PM16:30

Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols

All are welcome to our Choir-led Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve. Traditional carols and beloved Anglican choral music will be interspersed with Scripture readings telling the story of the Nativity, followed by Holy Eucharist and a candlelit singing of “Silent Night.”

The service will include music by J.S. Bach, Reginald Jacques, Thomas Ravenscroft, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and David Willcocks.

Artwork: “The Annunciation to the Shepherds” by Henry Ossawa Tanner.

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Regular Mass Schedule Resumes & Blessing of the Backpacks
8:00 AM08:00

Regular Mass Schedule Resumes & Blessing of the Backpacks

On Sunday, September 8, our Summer Schedule ceases, and we return to our regular schedule of Sunday worship. During the 10:00 A.M. service we will offer a special prayer over our students returning to school - our annual "Blessing of the Backpacks." 

8:00 A.M.: Said Mass
10:00 A.M.: Sung Mass with Hymns

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One Combined Mass for Palm Sunday
9:00 AM09:00

One Combined Mass for Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, we will worship together in one combined Mass at 9:00 A.M., beginning with the Liturgy of the Palms in our Parlor, and a procession into the sanctuary. Soloists from the Ascension Choir will offer anthems during worship. Join us for this special time of worship as a parish family!

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